Fund News

DBS, Temasek set up $500-M debt funding platform for growth stage firms

Business Standard  

Singapore-based financial services group DBS and the island's sovereign fund Temasek have set up a USD 500 million financing platform, EvolutionX Debt Capital, for non-dilutive funding to technology-enabled firms with a focus on China, India, and Southeast Asia. EvolutionX will invest across sectors like financial services, consumer and healthcare. It will be led by Joint Interim CEOs Amit Sinha, Group Head of Telecoms, Media and Technology, at DBS, and Aftab Mathur, director, Investment, at Temasek, before a full-time CEO is appointed in the next few months. This partnership also serves as a natural extension to both DBS and Temasek's existing early-stage debt initiatives and investment activities.

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