Other Private Equity/Strategic Investments

Netcore acquires minority stake in EasyRewardz Services

Bar and Bench  

AI-based marketing solutions firm Netcore Cloud has acquired a minority stake in Flipkart-backed EasyRewardz Services Pvt Ltd through a mix of secondary and primary deals as part of Series B funding. EasyRewardz analyses customers' shopping behaviour on the basis of interactions with the brand, and helps the brand shape campaigns better. In October 2019, Flipkart had acquired a strategic minority stake of 20% in EasyRewardz via a mix of secondary and primary acquisition. In the latest round, DSK Legal advised Flipkart on the transaction, while EasyRewardz was represented by AZB & Partners and Netcore by Advent Juris.

From the Venture Intelligence PE-VC Deal Database: In Nov-17, EasyRewardz had raised $2 million from Trans Continental VC and Others. (Subscribers to the database can login to view the valuation, deal structuring and other transaction details.)

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